Sometimes we’re all insane, especially with relationships

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” Albert Einstein.

How many times have you tried doing something over and over again before realizing you’re going to keep getting the same result unless you make some type of change? How many of you have gone out with the wrong type of person, only to do the same thing again when that relationship doesn’t work out? How many of you have had a failed venture over and over again before you finally realized that you keep making the same mistake?

All of us at one point or another fall under this insanity definition. We do something over and over again without even realizing it. Sometimes we know this but are unable to change. We know a certain type of personality is no good for us, and that a relationship with that type of person won’t last, yet we continue searching for those types of people.

In some of these occasions, we do the same thing over and over again because it excites us. We know going out with the wrong type of person will end in failure. We do it over and over because that relationship gives us an adrenaline rush. In other occasions, we do the same thing over and over again because we haven’t taken the time to reflect on why things didn’t work.

If you think about it, we really are acting in an insane manner when we do these things over and over again without making the slightest change. In the back of our mind, we know we just did the exact same thing, but think that somehow, this time it will end differently. Yet, we’re equally surprised when things end in exactly the same manner.

This is the behavior of someone who is insane, but is it all bad? It doesn’t mean we’re insane. It just means this one action, which we keep doing over and over again, displays  symptoms of insanity. If we’re doing it because of the rush it gives us, then it’s okay.

If we’re doing it because we haven’t thought through our actions properly, then we need to stop and reflect. Are we doing exactly the same thing as before? Why do we think we’ll get a different result this time? Doing the same thing twice, to make sure it wasn’t a fluke is fine, however, we shouldn’t do the same action more than twice without at least making a slight change, especially if we’re looking for a different outcome.



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