Those who always put down others are failures who don’t matter

“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” Bernard M. Baruch.

From time to time, someone comes along and puts down whatever it is we’re doing at that moment. For some, that put down is a major blow to confidence and to ego. They criticize whatever it is others are doing, without even trying to understand it.

Many people go through life by putting down others, by making a major deal out of everything. Those are the types of people who are unable to accomplish anything on their own, so they try to make themselves feel better by trying to make sure no one else is successful.

They take offense to everything. They berate other peoples work. They take pleasure in making others suffer, in making others give up before they’ve even had a chance. Those types of people will never succeed. The most they can hope for is to stop others from succeeding.

The people who have a good heart, the ones who want to see others succeed, are the only people who’s opinion should matter. Those are people who have confidence in their own abilities. Those types of people don’t mind helping others succeed. They don’t look for the negatives, but rather for any positive which can be used to build on.

People who matter don’t see a badly written story, or a poorly sung song, or a poorly drawn painting. They see potential. They see what could be. The people who matter are the ones who see the bright spots, the little glimmers of talent. While those who don’t matter will see a little bud on a plant, the ones who matter see what will be: a beautiful rose.

Don’t pay attention to people who put you or your work down. They put everything down and do not matter, no one pays them any mind and neither should you. What’s important is to have confidence in your own abilities, confidence that you have talent and that your work has potential. Seek out those who are confident in their own abilities, because those are the ones who matter. The ones who matter will not mind someone else becoming successful, in fact, they will help anyone they see with potential, who has confidence in their own abilities.

5 thoughts on “Those who always put down others are failures who don’t matter

  1. Amazing! Nicely written and very inspiring! “People who matter don’t see a badly written story, or a poorly sung song, or a poorly drawn painting. They see potential. They see what could be.” I love this!

  2. Thank you. Having lived with a family who would immediately jump to the negative put down, before any minute amount of praise would be offered, this is such a beautiful piece to read. Now that I have kids, I find myself at times slipping into that familiar, and have to catch the negativity before it leaves my mouth. I am printing this off, and putting it on our fridge! Thank you!

  3. “Those who always put down others are failures who don’t matter”

    But isn’t saying this putting down the people putting down? A bit hypocritical, no?

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